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Food and More inHopkinton! Click on each cell to seenew (and temporary?) hours and offeringsSpoonNew Daily SpecialsDynastyBill's PizzeriaHiller's PizzaCornell's Irish PubOpen Thurs - SundayHillers CleanersMore New HoursWeston NurseriesShop with your mask on andfollow the rulesScott's Landscaping Bringing Services to you!Hopkinton DrugCompounding & WellnessUNIBANKATM, Drive up & AppointmentsFay SchoolDistance LearningMilford RegionalCOVID test sitesThe Y Emergency workers Child CareUS Treasury. May 14, 2020 — HFD Twitter text: 'We know the sun is shining andwe’ve had a nice warm day but tonight is not a good time to belighting your fire pit. We have a dry air mass and forecastedgusty afternoon which creates an elevated fire risk.

Be smart.Be safe.' NOTE: Fire burning in woods off of CharlesTrail on Granite Street, turned in by walker, referred to inpolice log.Hopkinton Police Incident LogMissing teen found; brush, mulch fires;caller reports 2 men who do notbelong in neighborhood; fire by condos; kids playing on fields.No ArrestsWorking hard for HopkintonHomeowners and the surroundingCommunities. School Hopeful for Class of 2020 Rolling Senior Rally May 30Graduation Tentatively Rescheduled to Sunday, August 2, 2020Excerpt from letter to parents andstudents from HHS Principal Evan Bishop:'On Saturday, May 30th at1:00pm, (the day after our original graduation ceremony), the Classof 2020 will have an opportunity to participate in a Rolling Rallycar parade through town.

This was the top vote getter on the surveyaside from the desire for an in-person ceremony. This is notintended to replace our graduation ceremony; rather it’s a way tohonor our seniors around their original graduation date. Please knowthat safety for our community is a priority for this event, and allsocial distancing guidelines must be followed. I’ll be sending outmore information regarding the details of this event shortly.'

With the hope that restrictions may be lifted or lessened in thecoming months, we have decided to move our in-person graduationceremony, whatever that may look like, to Sunday, August 2nd (timeTBD). This date was selected as the best option after gatheringfeedback from students about their summer plans (i.e., when theyplan to leave for college, military, etc). Our ability to provide anin-person ceremony will be determined by the conditions at that timerelated to social distancing. Again, all of this will be plannedwith the safety of our students, guests, and staff as the toppriority.' REMINDER, THIS FRIDAY, MAY 15Working hard for HopkintonHomeowners and the surroundingCommunitiesHopkinton Police Incident LogBest Buy account hacked, Private Investigatorin driveway, rabid raccoon,threats on Crispwater Way.No ArrestsA Little to the LeftMay 12, 2020 — As with many animals this week, this horse in Uptonwas standing there waiting for the photographer to come by and takea photo. A beautiful steed, indeed. FOOD AND BEVERAGE.

The screenshot of the Hopkinton Communityillustrates that there were no new casesfor a week, and 30 patients came out of quarantine (recovered),bringing the total active cases down to 28. Gabriel reservation system manual pdf. Unfortunately, 11friends, neighbors and relatives were lost during this part ofthe pandemic. According to Hopkinton Health Director ShaunMcAuliffe, none of the cases were from community spread.

He saidthat 35 cases were from Golden Pond that resulted in 8 of the 11deaths. All but one were in hospice care, he added, and thevirus hastened their passing.Mr. McAuliffe added that what began as acomplaint actually turned out better for Weston Nurseries, whichhad been using a drive through system for its clients, who coulddrive past specific areas of plants and shrubs and shop thatway.Now, Mr. Townof Hopkinton Office of the Town ClerkDear Hopkinton Voters,The Annual Town Election has been rescheduled by the HopkintonSelect Board to be held on June 29, 2020. The Town Clerk isencouraging EVERYONE to vote absentee or by mail. Absentee ballotsmay now also be requested by anyone who has a condition that putsthem at higher risk of COVID-19. Absentee or Mail-in Early VotingBallots may be requested by printing out the Absentee or Mail-inEarly Voting Ballot Application, completing it with a realsignature, and sending it to the Town Clerk’s office by using any ofthese options:).

Dropping it off in the payment slot at the front entrance of theTown Hall. Mailing to Town of Hopkinton, Town Clerk, 18 Main Street,Hopkinton, MA 01748If you are not yet registered to vote in Hopkinton, you may registeronline. The last day to register to vote will be ten days prior tothe new election date. The hours for the polls will likely bedecreased, so please request your mail-in ballot as soon as possibleto ensure timely transmission of election materials.CCCWe have also created a list of frequently asked questions. If youstill have questions or want additional information, please contactthe Town Clerk’s office by emailingor call at (508) 497-9710 (leave a message if we are unable toanswer).We thank you all for your understanding during these difficult timesand hope that you all stay safe and healthy through this ordeal.Sincerely,Connor B. Degan Your Town ClerkHopkinton Police Incident LogNo arrests FOOD AND BEVERAGE FOOD AND BEVERAGE. Arthur was a Navy Veteran ofWWII, having served as Seaman 1st Class on the USSBulmer, USS Providence and USS Rochester.

He was aretired MBTA Transit Operator and also enjoyed workingas a carpenter. His favorite hobbies were hunting andfishing.Besides his wife, Arthur issurvived by five children, Richard A. Lane ofNottingham, NH, James C. Lane and his wife, Kathleen ofSouthborough, Paula Lane of Townsend, MA, CarolynFreedman and her husband, David of Upton, and David Laneand his wife, Mary of Townsend. He also leaves behind abrother, James Lane of St. Clair Shores, MI; 6grandchildren, Christine Rice, Patricia Dash, RobertLane, Julie Aponte, Andrew and Sara Freedman; as well as4 great-grandchildren, Troy, Kyle, Fiona and Girish.

Heis predeceased by his sister, Betty.A memorial service will beheld at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations maybe made to VeteransAssociationof America -Arrangements are under thecare of theFuneral Home of Hopkinton,Working hard for HopkintonHomeowners and the surroundingCommunitiesCleaning the Dam SpillwayMay 8, 2020 — These workers from an outsidevendor kept busy today removing debris from the spillway ofthe Hopkinton Reservoir Dam inside Hopkinton State Park. Remote Order Fulfillment -NEW UPDATENon-essential business may bring in a small number of employeesin order to remotely fulfill online or phone orders. However,there are many guidelines that must be followed.

Read more inthe Covid-19 Essential Services FAQ’s here:The Hopkinton Health Department would also like to take thisopportunity to remind local business owners and operators thatit is their responsibility to enforce social distancing withinthe workplace.Cleaning Services -NEW UPDATEAlthough cleaning companies are permitted to service essentialcommercial businesses and businesses that are about to open, theAttorney General’s Office has stated that cleaning companies andmaid services are not permitted to clean residential homes atthis time. The Hopkinton Health Department appreciates thecooperation of all parties in this matter.Notice:Arthur L. Lane, 93Arthur L. Lane, 93,of Hopkinton, passed away following a short battle withCovid-19 on Friday, May 8, 2020 at Oak Knoll Healthcare inFramingham. Born in Saint Clairsville, Ohio, he was the son of thelate Goldie and Christopher Lane. He was the husband of Ann (Mead)Lane of Hopkinton.Mr.

Lane’s obituary is pending at this time. Interment will be heldprivately and arrangements are under the care of theFuneral Homeof Hopkinton.Notice:David W. Pierson, 72David W. Pierson, 72,of Hopkinton, passed away Monday, April 27, 2020 at Golden PondAssisted Living in Hopkinton, following a short battle with Covid-19. Born in Waterbury, CT.

He was the sonof the late Edith (Wilber) and David B. Mr.Pierson’s obituary is pending at this time.

Private familyarrangements will be held at are under the care of theFuneral Home of Hopkinton. FOOD AND BEVERAGE. May 8, 2020 — The photo, above left, on Day1 was taken on March 21 of this year at a heronry in Oxford. Agreat blue heron, female we believe, stands on the barrentreetop of a dead tree in a swamp that usually hosts a dozennests that turn into temporary nurseries each springtime. On Day9, above, she has made remarkable progress beginning to put anest together, especially considering she has no hands, and sono opposable thumbs, traits that allegedly place humans at thetop of the animal kingdom.1. Inthe next frame, we digress from the main theme.

There will be no 19th hole - clubhouses, pro shops, restaurantsand other facilities must remain closed, under the new rules.NestingMay 7, 2020 — Our favorite lady in Oxford,who we check on a few times a week, hasn't left her nest for quite awhile, and seldom even stretches. We believe she is sitting on someeggs, after which her Mr.

Right will need to bring some food to thetop of the tree. We hope to present our journal tomorrow of photosup to this point, and look forward to the little ones.Ubiquitous TurtlesMay 7, 2020 — On Bloods Pond today. Theyoccupied several rocks that they might have mistaken for theirmother.RepairsMay 7, 2020 — Some very impressive work being done at Mt.

Auburnthis week and next - weather permitting. A long awaited CPAproject 'Historic Headstone Preservation', fixing 80-100 damaged,fallen, at-risk historic markers. Kai Nalenz of GravestoneServices of New England does amazing work. Claire WrightWorking hard for HopkintonHomeowners and the surroundingCommunitiesSociableMay 7, 2020 — On Hopkinton Common today.

FOOD AND BEVERAGE FOOD AND BEVERAGE. The 240 Trainees of the Massachusetts State Police 85th RecruitTraining Troop were sworn-in as MSP Troopers this afternoon byGovernor Charles Baker and Colonel Christopher Mason on theGillette Stadium field.“Every class to come out of the State Police Academy can takepride in an incredible accomplishment,” Governor Baker said inhis address to the new Troopers. “But you’ve become StateTroopers under truly exceptional circumstances, overcomingobstacles that no other class has had to.“And despite all of the challenges during those 16 weeks ofaccelerated training, despite all that was happening in yourfamilies and communities, this class is the largest to come outof the Academy in more than 25 years – an incredible testamentto the commitment you made to serve and protect the people ofMassachusetts,” Governor Baker said.Notice:Marilyn June Armstrong, 89, of Hopkinton, passedaway Friday, May 1, 2020 at Golden Pond in Hopkinton. Born inButler, Pennsylvania, she was the daughter of the late Hildegarde(Zimmermann) Frederick and Orville McKay. She was the wife of DavidS. Armstrong of Hopkinton.Mrs.

Armstrong’s obituary and arrangements are pending at this timeand are under the care of the Chesmore Funeral Home of Hopkinton.COVID-19 May 6 UPDATE Governor Eases Some Restrictions on “Non-Essential” Business Face covering order Weekly Dashboard Vote by MailSee- FOOD AND BEVERAGE. By Robert FalcioneMay 6, 2020 — Today is the day that Governor Charlie Baker'sexecutive order to wear a face mask or covering in public, inenclosed spaces like a retail store, and when social distancingis impossible, goes into effect.Mr. Baker also remarked that a face-mask does not make socialdistancing unnecessary.Boston Mayor Marty Walsh went further by asking joggers to weara mask because of the deep breathing they might do, projectingmore exhale and further from the runner. At last night's SelectBoard meeting, member Brian Herr, a jogger and prominent memberof the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge inaugural Boston Marathonrunning team, asked Health Director Shaun McAuliffe if that wasnecessary.

McAuliffe said it was not. Runners,please wear masks.Wearing masks during a pandemic is nothing new, as the photo ofpolice in 1918 above illustrates (Borrowed from The GreatInfluenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History,a book by John M. The police also appear to be socialdistancing to a degree, because police in formation usually holdcloser ranks.In order to have a relaxing of rules on May 18 as hoped for, thegovernment needs to see a decrease in the amount of new casesfor a predetermined number of days. That can signal that thevirus might be on the wane.Epidemiologists, those who 'study the causes, distribution andcontrol of disease in populations,' were a blossoming disciplineduring the pandemic of 1918. During that pandemic, theydiscovered that as the virus traveled from person to person inthe same lineage, it became more virulent and deadly.

That iswhy it is so important to track it and put an end to the spread.The National Guard is helping do some of the testing andepidemiology on an individual scale, as well as gathering datafor a larger picture.Please be a part of the solution. Help save a life. Wear a mask,practice social distancing and wash hands often. And as we haveadditionally presented on these pages during this emergency, usedisposable gloves when possible, use antiseptic wipes on groceryitems before putting them on shelves at home.

Oh, and one morething.Don't shake hands! Don't even think about it.Select Board Meets in ZOOM'We think we're in a good place.'

Shaun McAuliffe, HopkintonHealth Director. May 5, 2020 — Hopkinton Health DirectorShaun McAuliffe, above, who has worked virtually non-stop sincethe beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, gave much creditto department nurse Kasey Mauro, as well as the National Guard.during the meeting of the Select Board Tuesday evening.'

We've had them the Guard out three times to Golden Pond, andI think we're in a much better place because of it. We've seen alot of press around this testing initiative,' he said. He saidthere were 55 cases at Golden Pond Assisted Living facility.Chairman of the Select Board Brendan Tedstone, a nurse who is asupervisor at a facility, said his charges were tested by theNational Guard, too.' The press will sensationalize it like it's a bad thing,' hecautioned.Mr. McAuliffe read a bullet list of points.' The Hopkinton Health Department has managed the 190 residents,'he said. Of those 105 were quarantined.He reported 66 active cases, 29 recoveries, and 'sadly' 10deaths.

He added that another 3 Hopkinton residents died whileconvalescing outside of Hopkinton.Mr. McAuliffe said they are planning and looking for directionfrom Governor Baker on May 18.In the meantime, he reiterated the need to comply withsocial distancing, hand washing and face covering. Editor's note: Regarding the military becoming involved intesting for virus and other diseases, this discipline is over100 years old. In his book, The Great Influenza, John MBarry credits the best doctors of their times with being on thefront lines of what some called the Spanish Flu, a virus thatkilled between 50 million and 100 million people worldwide in1918. More American solidiers, Mr. Barry writes, were killed bydisease than combat in that war and every other war leading upto it.

These doctors at the top of the epidemiology ladder in1918 were also high ranking officers in the United States Army.However, even they were unsuccessful in getting the brass tospread out the barracks to distance their men from one another.And yes, there were explosive recurrences of the virus that had begun as aslow boil. FOOD AND BEVERAGE FOOD AND BEVERAGE. May 4, 2020 — A HopNews headlinemight often use a song title, lyrics, movie line, or a commonphrase with which to form a pun in the headline. A few days ago,the headline for a group of turtles was 'Happy Together,' whichis the title of a 1967 song by a group called the Turtles. Getit?This time we draw from the Bible, in which anindiividual is cautioned not to cast his 'pearls before swine.'

In other words, don't share something valuable with someone notsophisticated enough to understand the value, such as a pig.Above, a beautiful vista, a million dollar view, isbefore the horse, who is oblivious to it. In this case, it ispearls before a horse.To get even morecomplicated, there was a band that gained limited fame performing around 1967 calledPearls Before Swine. FOOD AND BEVERAGE FOOD AND BEVERAGE FOOD AND BEVERAGE FOOD AND BEVERAGE. 78, diedApril 27, 2020 at the Lahey Hospital and Medical Centerafter a brief illness. He was the husband of Marilyn(Dumas) Hayward.

Born in Framingham, he was the son ofthe late Francis 'Doc' and Virginia (Fecteau) Hayward.He was a 1959 graduate of Hopkinton High School. Aftercompleting high school, he proudly served his country inthe United States Marine Corp. Arrangements are withFuneral Home inHopkinton. After cremation, there will be a private burial inthe family plot at Brookside Cemetary in Stow.Eugene (Wen) Tanubrata, 93Eugene (Wen) Tanubrata(Tan Kai Jan, B: March 26, 1927) departed this world the morning ofApril 30th, 2020 in his 93rd year. Wen’s amazing life spanned manygenerations and continents. He was born in Cirebon, Indonesia, toTan Gin Han and Nelly De Vos, the second youngest of 8 siblings andtwo half siblings.

He married the love of his life, Weilien Huang(Oey Hwei Lian), on September 7th, 1948. With their family, heimmigrated from Indonesia to Yunnan, China; then to Hong Kong; andfinally to the United States as his children attended college.Wen had an adventurous and entrepreneurial spirit. He was fluent inat least four languages (Dutch, Chinese, Indonesian, English) andmultiple dialects. Wen held many trades in order to provide for hisfamily and communities, among them engineer, car mechanic,distributor, store owner, restaurateur, and caregiver to a bevy ofgrandchildren. He was an avid practitioner of martial arts (Kung Fuand Tai Chi), and taught volunteer classes at community and seniorcenters. His musical talent was innate - playing multipleinstruments, learning music by ear and bringing joy across the worldto family and friends. He loved to play chess with his family andfriends and regularly schooled friends half his age.

In all theseendeavors he was self-taught and displayed a keen intellect andcuriosity his entire life.Wen is predeceased by his wife, Weilien (Oma), and all his siblings.He is survived by his four children, Julia Tanubrata Tate, LeinaTanubrata Mahylis, WIlliam Hin Tanubrata, and Chandra Tanubrata, andtheir respective spouses. Milford Regional Announces Changes at Urgent Care LocationsMILFORD – Services at several of MilfordRegional’s urgent care sites will be adjusted starting Monday tomeet patient needs as the public health crisis continues.The changes impact services at the Hopkinton, Northbridge andFranklin locations.Milford Regional Urgent Care, 1 Lumber St., Hopkinton– This location will open as a respiratory care clinic. The hourswill be Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday, 9a.m. This location will remain open for walk-in x-rays.This location will treat patients exhibiting respiratory illnesses,such as fever, cough, mild shortness of breath, wheezing, sorethroat, muscle aches, or lost sense of taste or smell.

However,patients without those symptoms will also be welcomed if theychoose.Milford Regional Urgent Care, 1280 West Central St. – This location will revert back to an urgent carefacility seeing patients for all health issues not related toCOVID-19. Patients in need of diagnostic imaging services withsymptoms of or exposure to COVID-19 will be directed to Hopkinton.Milford Regional in The Blackstone Valley, 100 Commerce Drive,Northbridge – The urgent care location will be closed. A respiratoryclinic will be opened at 200 Commerce Way in the area previouslyused as OB/GYN and pediatric offices. The clinic will treat patientsexhibiting respiratory illnesses, such as fever, cough, mildshortness of breath, wheezing, sore throat, muscle aches, or lostsense of taste or smell. The clinic will be open Monday – Friday, 8a.m.

– 8 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. Diagnosticimaging and lab services will remain open with new hours, Monday –Friday, 8 a.m. And will be closed on the weekend.Patients with symptoms of or exposure to COVID-19 in need ifdiagnostic imaging services will be directed to Milford RegionalMedical Center or the Hopkinton urgent care site.Milford Regional Urgent Care, 127-129 South Main Street, Milford –This location will remain open as an urgent care facility for allhealth services not related to COVID-19.The Imaging Center at Milford Regional Medical Center will be closedon the weekends. Symptomatic patients or those exposed to COVID-19should go to the urgent care location in Hopkinton for thoseservices.Milford Regional encourages you to go to our website atto stay up–to-date on the Medical Center’s response to COVID-19.Hopkinton resident receives NSF grant to studyCoronavirusApril30, 2020 — Dr. Mary Jo Ondrechen of Hopkinton has received afast-track grant from theNational Science Foundation (NSF) to study the protein structures ofthe coronavirus and to identify ways to modify its destructivebehavior.Dr.

Ondrechen is Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology atNortheastern University. Rather than using test tubes and beakers,her research group applies computational methods to analyze proteinmolecules - including those from viruses - and identify theiractive sites. Once these sites have been identified, bindinginhibitors can be applied to them, rendering the viruses inactive.The goal is to find inhibitors with minimal side effects to thepatient.The group has a special ability to apply artificial intelligence tolocate sites not identified by other methods. These sites includepockets and crevices which serve as new targets for the developmentof antiviral agents. Large datasets of natural and syntheticcompounds will be searched for molecules that fit into thesealternative sites.Finally, compounds that fit will be tested experimentally by a groupled by colleague Dr. Penny Beuning, also a Professor at NortheasternUniversity.“We are searching for vulnerabilities in the viral life cycle,”reports Dr. “The life cycle of SARS-CoV-2, the virus thatcauses COVID-19, involves multiple viral proteins and enzymesrequired for infectivity and replication.

We use computers to exposethe vulnerabilities and find molecules that can intervene.”Her group already has made progress and is working hard every day.“We are joining hundreds of other scientists around the worldseeking to understand the virus and stop it,” says Dr. Ondrechen.The rising number of COVID-19 cases, and deaths, right here inHopkinton serves as special motivation to keep on working. FOOD AND BEVERAGE.

April 29, 2020 — We caught Select BoardVice-chair John Coutinho sprucing up the faded paint on thegranite entrance sign to EMC Park yesterday.' I was bothered by seeing it faded for solong; so now I have the right paint, and I am going to do somework on all of the signs in the park that need it,' hesaid.Returning today with a camera, we see Mr.

Coutinho's handiwork,below.Working hard for HopkintonHomeowners and the surroundingCommunitiesPastoralAsshe has so many times, Nicole Fornal took this photo with aSamsungNote 10+. Her Verizon store where the phone is available, RussellCellular, is in Uxbridge. Due to the Corona virus, the store willsell over the phone, 508-779-0990, and they will greet you at thedoor with your purchase.HeartwarmingPaying tribute to the boys Lacrosse players FOOD AND BEVERAGE FOOD AND BEVERAGE FOOD AND BEVERAGE. Virtual Saturdays at FaySaturday, May 2, 10:00 - 10:45amJoin us this Saturday, May 2 from 10:00 - 10:45 am for ourfirst-ever virtual Saturdays at Fay. We will be joined by Jenny theJuggler, who has been a professional juggler since 1997 and hasperformed at places like Fenway Park, the Bristol Fourth of JulyParade, and now your very own living room! Jenny's uplifting andengaging show will feature juggling, magic, music, and more.

We hopeyou can join us! For more information, please visit.Charlie Baker to Appear LIVE here at noon,4/27, withvirus update:Working hard for HopkintonHomeowners and the surroundingCommunitiesMating GameThese two wild Tom turkeys heard the calls of a hen across FruitStreet and approached her. They began to display their feathers, butfailed to go all the way. The female makes a choice as to the bestdisplay, and mates with him. The hen was to their right, in thephoto below.The Karate Bird(Spoiler Alert!)April 25, 2020 — This robin appears about to demonstrate 'The CraneKick,' the move that Ralph Macchio's character used to end thegrueling title match and win against his opponent in the 1984 movie,The Karate Kid. FOOD AND BEVERAGE.

As we work to overcome these towering challenges, weremind our communities to stay resilient and patient.Although we are facing some of the most uncertain timesin our history, we are confident that the proactivesteps we are taking can only set us on a path torecovery.Here is a specialoffer for you:20% Off any WebDelivery or Pickup!Coupon Code: 93Offer Expires:. Cannot be combined with any otheroffers. Valid Only for Delivery and Pickup. Valid OnlyOnline.Bill's Pizzeria Kitchen & Grille14 Main Street508-435-0447Working hard for HopkintonHomeowners and the surroundingCommunitiesSteve SpectorHopkinton's Steve Spector, a regular at Bill's Pizzeria Saturdayperformances, shares his talent online with fans, above.Chooseif video player does not work.Mahoney, Patricia Ann (Byrne)Mahoney,Patricia Ann (Byrne), 87 of Quincy, former long timeresident of Hopkinton, born and raised in Natick. April 20, 2020.Beloved wife of the late Francis X. Devoted mother of DonnaCruz of Quincy.

Loving grandmother of Trey and Joyner Cruz. Sisterof Janet Gladu of Cochituate, the late Margery Roman, Donald, Johnand Robert Byrne. Special and devoted family friend of SamDollenmayer of New York.Pat attended Natick Public Schools and was a secretary for NatickQuartermaster Labs and Bethany Health Care in Framingham. Sheenjoyed her many hours at the Hopkinton Public Library. She enjoyedher walks around town, feeding the birds in her backyard and caringfor the many children who passed through her home.A funeral service will be held for Patricia in the future andinterment will take place in Evergreen Cemetery, Hopkinton.100 Years-oldApril 24, 2020 — Joe Markarian, aformer WWII drill sargeant, self-trained carpenter, a music teacherin Hopkinton Public Schools for 26 years who retired in 1980, sawsome of his former students today, who joined a long caravan inWatertown and stopped by to help celebrate the 100th birthday of aman they came to love. He also volunteered for more than 27 years atthe Perkins School for the Blind where he gave his $25,000 MVP awardback to the school 7 years ago.

He custom-fit furniture for deaf andblind children at Perkins as well. Today, former student andHopkinton native Jacques LeDuc, renown for having painted the BostonMarathon Start line for 36 years, was one of those students who paida heartfelt tribute to Joe.

LeDuc's handiwork can be seen on thesign he painted and placed on the side of his truck. Between thenumbers are Joe's initials in braille.Edmund'Ned' F. Leger Sr., 93Edmund 'Ned' F.

Leger Sr., 93,of Hopkinton, died peacefully after a short battle with Covid-19onApril 23, 2020. Born in Walpole, MA in 1927 he served in the CoastGuard on troop transport ships during WWII. He was Director ofMaintenance at the Charles River Hospital in Wellesley, MA for manyyears.He was predeceased by his parents Thomas and Ellen, and siblingsEleanor Huff and Paul Leger. He lost his wife Dotty and daughter,Kim in a tragic house fire in 1970, and his son Chip died in 2014.He was also predeceased by his long time best friend, Phyllis Bishopand her youngest son, Leicester B. Ned leaves Phyllis’remaining children, Brooks Gernerd and her husband, Fred, and theirdaughter, Elisabeth and her husband, Johnny Webster; Gordon Bishopand his wife, Sherion; and Leicester’s widow, Debby Bishop and theirdaughter, Victoria Ellis.Hewas a loving and proud grandfather to Elisabeth and Victoria.

Armedwith a quick wit and always ready with a joke, he had friendswherever he went. He was happiest at his little bit of paradise onthe lake in Hopkinton. Private arrangements are under the care ofthe Chesmore Funeral Home of Hopkinton,Donations may be made in his memory to the caring staff at Mary AnnMorse Rehab Center in Natick, FOOD AND BEVERAGE. Man Arrested in Connection with Fatal Stabbing in CambridgeCAMBRIDGE– Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan and Cambridge PoliceCommissioner Branville Bard, Jr. Have confirmed that Jose Bermudez,55, was arrested today and charged in connection with the April 14stabbing of Danilo Perez, 33, in Cambridge. Bermudez has beencharged with murder and aggravated assault and battery with adangerous weapon. He was arraigned telephonically today in CambridgeDistrict Court and ordered held without bail.

His next court date isscheduled to be held via video on June 25.On Tuesday, April 14, 2020, Cambridge Police responded to a 911 callof a man suffering from stab wounds on Franklin Street. Thepreliminary investigation suggests that the stabbing likely occurredaround 5:18 p.m. In the area of Green Street and Sidney Place.During the altercation the defendant and the victim, who were bothmembers of the homeless community and known to each other, allegedlyengaged in a verbal altercation before the altercation escalated,and Bermudez allegedly stabbed the victim multiple times. Followingthe altercation the victim allegedly fled before being located by ajogger on Franklin street. He was transported to MassachusettsGeneral Hospital where he was pronounced dead.Investigators were subsequently able to identify the suspect asBermudez. The Massachusetts State Police Violent FugitiveApprehension Section arrested Bermudez early this morning in Allstonwithout incident after Detectives assigned to the Middlesex DistrictAttorney’s Office were able to provide information that Bermudez hadallegedly been observed in the area yesterday.This investigation is being conducted by the Middlesex DistrictAttorney’s Office, Cambridge Police and Massachusetts State Policeassigned to the District Attorney’s Office.

“We are extraordinarily pleased that Dr.Brooks is the new Chair of Radiology,” says Leslie Selbovitz,MD, Milford Regional’s Chief Medical Officer and SeniorVice-President for Medical Affairs. “In addition to hisfellowship training in breast imaging, Dr. Brooks has been oneof the key members of the interdisciplinary Pulmonary NoduleBoard dedicated to the early diagnosis and cure of lung cancer,similar to his leadership activities with breast disease. He isa vital member of the Breast Tumor Board at Dana-Farber/Brighamand Women’s Cancer Center at Milford Regional. He and his wifeare avid Red Sox fans, and he always enjoys discussing hisfavorite team.” FOOD AND BEVERAGE. April 23, 2020 — The Fire Department, according to Fire ChiefStephen Slaman, split personell and equipment between theDowntown Firehouse and the Woodville station as part of theCovid Response Plan.' It allows is to separate resoirces and preventcross-contamination of large groups of responders.'

It allows for better separation and isolation of theresources,' he said.Hopkinton Center for the ArtsOnline Sculpey Clay Class for Ages 6 to 9Begins today, April 23, 2020, at 2:00 pmFair CancelledOut of an abundance of caution due to theongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, the Department ofConservation and Recreation (DCR) Universal Access Program willcancel the annual Adaptive Recreation Fair scheduled for Saturday,May 30, 2020 at Herter Park in the City of Brighton. The agencyappreciates your support and understanding.For more information about DCR's efforts during this time and forguidelines on recreating at DCR parks, please visit theMassachusetts State Parks COVID-19 Update webpage.Thank you,DCR Universal Access Program(413) 545-5760 FOOD AND BEVERAGE. The Town Manager’s Office will be open fora virtual “office hours” drop-in onThursday 4/23/2020 from 2pm - 4pm.During this time, you may click the link or dial the phonenumber below, and be placed in line to discuss any transactionor conduct business with the Town Manager’s Office as you wouldnormally be able to do in-person at Town Hall.Hopkinton will be utilizing the Zoom video-conferencing platformto offer this service.

When you join, you will be placedin a waiting room. When it is your turn, you will beadmitted. Only one transaction (person) will be allowed ata time; and so depending on the number of people waiting beforeyou, we cannot guarantee how long you may be waiting. Pleasenote that conversations may be brief based on the number ofpeople in the waiting room. Visit Hopkinton’s Web MeetingCalendar on the homepage of our website:for more details.Topic: Town Manager's Office - Virtual Office HoursTime: Apr 23, 2020 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Meeting ID: 975 5070 2259Password: 295252One tap mobile+3,9#,#,295252# US (New York)Dial by your location+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)Meeting ID: 975 5070 2259Password: 295252Working hard for HopkintonHomeowners and the surroundingCommunitiesCharlie Baker's UpdateHopkinton Police Incident LogNo New Arrests FOOD AND BEVERAGE. Hopkinton, MA - (April21, 2020) - The Town of Hopkinton is happy to report that it’smessage to runners to refrain from coming to the start line inHopkinton or attempting to run the marathon course on Patriots’Day was well received.

On Monday, April 20, instead of it allstarting here, the start line in Hopkinton was quiet; norunners, no wheelchair racers, no spectators. On 4/10/20, the first confirmed COVID-19case was resulted and reported to our department. On 4/11/20,the National Guard was deployed to Golden Pond. They tested 10symptomatic residents.Of those 10, 2 resulted as COVID-19positive.

Golden Pond ordered sufficient test kits to test theremainder of their residents and staff on 4/11/20. The kitsarrived on 4/14/20 and all resident testing was completed thatday. On 4/16/20, approximately 100 staff members were tested.The results were delivered on Fridayafternoon, 4/17/20, and account for the 37 new cases.

Theresults were uploaded into the MDPH database on Monday. Themajority of the cases are asymptomatic and most of the residentsare healthy at this time. We continue to work with the administration,reviewing new policy, facilitating the delivery of PPE,identifying COVID-19 staffing resources and establishingcommunication lines, when warranted, with the State.Working hard for HopkintonHomeowners and the surroundingCommunitiesHazmat MattApril 20, 2020 — Hazmat Matt declined toreveal his real name, but said he had the blessing of officials torun the Boston Marathon today.

He sat waiting on the common for aninterested video camera crew to pay attention, while the plasticsuit he wore undoubtedly raised his body temperature and sank anypossibility of him making it to Boston wearing it.Not MuchApril 20, 2020 — There wasn't much going on at the common today,except this interview and the hazmat guy. Local Teens Organize Grocery Gift Card Fundraiser for FurloughedWorkersby Diane RootTheperson who cuts your hair. The team who cleans your house or thewaitress you love at your favorite restaurant. April 19, 2020 — Pleaseenjoy an encore presentation of Dan DeCristofaro's soloperformance at Bill's Pizzeria on January 25 of this year. Theroom was jam-packed and SRO, so the camera was not in itsregular spot, which had already been taken, resulting in morecrowd noise than usual.Dan's next solo gig had been scheduled for March 21,but COVID-19 and the shutdown of restaurants and othernon-essential businesses beginning on March 17 put a damper onthat plan. In addition, Dan and his band, Blue Light Bandits,were scheduled to play backup for their former bandmate and starof the Voice, Ricky Duran, at the Hanover Theater in Worcesterthe following Friday.We missseeing Dan live, as well as the opportunity to catch his bandlive, until this viral wave recedes. And as the attendees of theSaturday Night at Bill's Pizzeria know, there is an entire cadreof talented musicians that cannot yet return to perform.

We lookforward to the days when they can, and hope to present on thispage in the meantime some of those performers who have gracedthat space and made our lives better in the last couple ofyears.But today,Orthodox Easter, we say to our Greek Orthodox friends, ' ChristosAnesti!' Working hard for HopkintonHomeowners and the surroundingCommunitiesHelp from a FriendApril 19, 2020 — In a series of photos fromtwo days ago, one in particular struck our eyes, one with his wingsspread and cupped during a landing. But we missed the reason for hisreturn visit. In this photo above, the presumed male offers to thefemale the vine in his beak, which she gladly accepts. Below, hecomes in for a landing carrying the vine. In the next series, theirheads are pretty much buried in the nest, presumably weaving thevine into it.

Those photos are unpublished.Wrong-Way Crash Kills Two in WestboroughApril19, 2020 — Last evening at approximately 8:42 p.m., the StatePolice – Millbury Barracks received reports of a wrong-waydriver on I-495 Southbound, near Exit 21 in Hopkinton. Shortlythereafter, callers reported a head-on crash on I-495 Southboundjust north of Exit 22 in the town of Westborough.Upon arrival, troopers discovered one of the two vehiclesinvolved in the crash, matched the description of the wrong-wayvehicle. Preliminary investigation has revealed that a 2017Volvo XC60, driven by Viktoria I. Staskievich, 43, of Braintree,was travelling northbound on I-495 Southbound, when it struck a2018 Chevrolet Trax head-on. Staskievich was the only occupantof the Volvo. The Chevrolet was driven by Adam Nazare, 27, orAttleboro.Staskievich was transported to UMass Lakeside in Worcester,where she was later determined to be deceased as a result ofinjuries sustained in the crash.

Nazare was determined to bedeceased on scene, as a result of injuries sustained in thecrash. Nazare’s passenger, a 83-year-old woman from Attleboro,was also transported to UMass Lakeside in Worcester, where sheremains in critical condition.During the crash investigation and reconstruction, all laneswere closed to travel, with traffic diverted off I-495 at Exit23A/B in Westborough. Bronder, 84Ourbeloved mother, Carol P. Bronder, 84, of Hopkinton, passed awayThursday, April 16, 2020 in the virtual embrace of her family.

Bornin Trenton, New Jersey, she was the daughter of the late Mary (Gora)and Paul Partlow, and celebrated 50 years of marriage with herloving, late, husband, Patrick J. Carol earned herbachelor's degree in psychology from Lesley University in 1982, andthen worked for the North Shore Council on Alcoholism as an educatorand substance abuse counselor. Following that, Carol joined thefledgling Framingham Court Mediation Program, where she soon becameExecutive Director. For 35 years she advocated for the increasedrole of mediation in the criminal justice system and in highschools, and for the mediation process as a model for healthycommunication and personal relationships. She mentored countlesspeople along the way.Carol leaves many cherished friends with whom she shared her love offine art, literature, music, and film. She valued the Hopkintoncommunity where she came to make her home and raise her children,and she was a loving and beloved member of the St. Mark's Parish inSouthboro, MA, where she found her spiritual home.Carol is survived by her loving children, Pam Bronder-Giroux and herhusband, Philip, of Malden, Michael Bronder and his wife, Mary Kate,of Andover, Tom Bronder and his wife, Leslie Collins, ofMechanicsburg, PA, Pat Bronder and his wife Deb of Florissant, MO.and her son-in-law, Philip Major of Syracuse, NY.

She is predeceasedby her daughter, Nancy Bronder. She also leaves behind 11grandchildren, Leo, Luc, Amelia, Justin, Ali, Scott, Eric, Eleanor,Noah, Morrissey and Madeline, and is predeceased by hergranddaughter, Kylene.

Carol is also predeceased by her treasuredsiblings - Jane Beres, Ronald Szary, Rita Kowalczyk, Roberta Pabers,Leland and Ted Partlow.A small memorial service will be held at St. Mark's Parish inSouthborough. Star wars saga edition maps. Interment will be held at Mt.

Auburn Cemetery inHopkinton at a later date. A celebration of Carol’s life will beplanned at a post-Covid time. Please visitto leave messages ofcondolences or view photos in the gallery. In lieu of flowers,donations may be made to the Carol Bronder Scholarship at CarolBronder Scholarship at Metro West Mediation Services. FOOD AND BEVERAGE.

Please share this with someone youknow who may be in need of services.For Sunday, April 19, 2020Order ahead for takeout & curbside pickupWorking hard for HopkintonHomeowners and the surroundingCommunitiesWhere's Waldo?April 18, 2020 — Ed Harrow was quick with theshutter fimger to catch this fox in his backyard, along with all ofthe other trappings of a true Woodville nature lover. The foxappears to be taking the human walking path to a series of trailsaround Lake Whitehall, where the entire shore, and then some, isowned by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Department ofConservation and Recreation. Abhishek Vijay, two time Hopkinton MiddleSchool National Geographic GeoBee Champion, wasinvited to participate in a virtual recognition ceremony onApril 17. Abhi was prepared to compete at the state level forhis third time, but National Geographic cancelled thecompetition due to the current national health crisis.The virtual event offered state qualifiersthe opportunity to speak with a National Geographic geographerand participate in a live GeoBee “Kahoot” game. His journey mayhave been interrupted this year, but there is no doubt thisgifted 7th grader is on a successful path. Michael Siedlecki, Social StudiesDepartment.Takes Two to TangoApril 17, 2020 — Our favorite great blueheron has finally got a nest-mate, landing above, after wishing and hoping for awhile.

We'll do our best to present the rest of the story beforethey and their future brood go on their own ways.Caught UpApril 17, 2020 — Police caught up with ayouth on Hayden Rowe Street who was reported by a witness to bedriving erratically on Ash Street. FOOD AND BEVERAGE FOOD AND BEVERAGE 'The Real News Starts Here!' POBox 351, Hopkinton, MA 01748 508.435.5534Updated:May 14, 2020 03:15:21 PMARTICLE 52: See the entire list ofAll content on this site andlinked pages within this domain and affiliate domains are ©2019Hopkinton News and may not reproduced in any form withoutwritten permission.Please make a favorite to find us fast.