Serial number: 85843. This piano was manufactured in 1963, in London, England. The photo on the left is not great, but gives one the perspective of the piano closed; the photo on the right reveals the piano with the keys and attractive music desk showing and shows the casing more accurately.
.The 'Hackley' piano was made by the Chase-HackleyPiano Co. Of Muskegon, Mich. It was a thoroughly reliable instrument, theproduct of an honorable house, and held a high position in the musicalworld.The 'Hackley' piano is named after the latepresident of the Chase-Hackley Piano Co., which well-known concernmanufactures the piano in its perfectly equipped factory in Muskegon, Mich.The career of the Haddorff pianos is by manyin the art world regarded as phenomenal.
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These famous instruments encompassevery form and attainment, including the Artistic Grands, ReproducingPianos, Grand Reproducing Players, Player-pianos and uprights every phase ofhigh grade piano manufacture, and the name of Haddorif is always the symbolof musical attainment. The attainment of power in a piano's name is a matterof such complexity of elements that to describe the way to that result inwords is almost impossible. Haddorff pianos have so long stood asrepresentatives of fine achievement in pianos that to refer to the evennessof tone, the responsiveness of action, and the charm of expression possibleto the performer, would be to repeat that with which the piano world isalready familiar. Haddorff pianos are recognized as models of pianoartistry.
They are instruments whose workings out have been, as is alwaysthe case with ambitious instruments, gradual and progressive through theyears. The Haddorff scale is so finely shaded, and its tonal results sograduated, that there is no ear so acute as to detect where the dividinglines occur. And that is one of the triumphs of the scale draftsman work. Itis the work of a master acoustician whose entire life has been devoted topiano development and the finest attainment of inborn skill and experiencehas found a culmination in the instruments that bear his name. A.Haddorff designed and created the first Haddorff piano.The Haddorff sounding board is scientificallyconstructed with a view to obtaining the greatest resonance without in theleast interfering with the clarity of tone and quality of tone power.Haddorff pianos are the results of the best material so carefully treatedand adjusted and so finely finished in external and internal details thatthere is only reason for approval by the most critical.
And this appliesalso to durability, giving to these instruments everything that thediscriminating piano lover must demand, and insuring for the instrumentitself the progressive career to which it was originally dedicated. TheHaddorff player- piano is in every way the same creation as the Haddorffpiano, equipped with the pneumatic action by which the utmost refinement ofexpression is easily possible. All of the effects possible to humaninterpretation are attainable with an accuracy absolutely dependable.
TheHaddorff Reproducing Piano is electrically controlled and is representativeof the latest advance in this marvelous instrument by which the performancesof the greatest pianist may be reproduced with fidelity to the most delicatetonal results of accent, tonal control and technique. Haddorif pianos haveattained' an immovable place in the world of art, and they are everywhererecognized for the influence they exert in musical life and in the businessattainments of their representatives.19953-1-1-1-1-1-170100Since its establishment, the Haines Bros.piano has been one of the leading high grade and artistic pianos. Itremained, however, for the present day piano to attain its greatesteminence. The name of Haines Bros. Has been of powerful influence in thetrade and commands a higher regard today than at any previous time in itshistory. The present line of Haines Bros. Pianos, both grands and uprights,and player-pianos embody everything that is required in the way of quality.The Haines Bros, piano has become known as the official college piano byreason of there being, in all probability, more Haines Bros.
Pianos inactual use in the most representative conservatories and Institutions ofmusical learning in this country than any other piano. All of these pianoswere selected and purchased by these institutions after severe and criticaltests. The Haines Bros. Piano has been for many years a favorite with manyof the world's most famous artists. The list of artists runs into thehundreds and would tabulate here like a musical directory, but spaceprohibits its insertion. Two interesting and important books have beenpublished in the interest of the Haines Bros.
Piano, 'The Artist's Choice,'containing a portrait' of famous artists with their testimonials, and'Golden Opinions' with hundreds of letters from colleges, conservatories,and other institutions of learning.1900-69700 1905-109000Verticals & Grands ByPoole/Aeolian after 1960:1965-9-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-221500This widely known piano was established byMr. Haines of the distinguished family of New York pianomanufacturers. It is an instrument of unchallenged quality and it ismanufactured under conditions well designed to continue in the esteem of thecritical piano buying public. Associated with the manufacturers of the WPHaines & Co. Lloyd Jones, a grandson of the original creatorof pianos bearing the name of Haines. All of the members of W. Are experienced piano experts, and their ambition to produce instrumentsof distinction and character has long been recognized and realized.
Theplayer-piano bearing the same name is no less commendable for its finequalities. It is the special wish and aim of the makers of these instrumentsthat they are never confused with any others bearing similar names. A largenew addition to the factory was made in the summer of 1917 and themanufacturing Capacity thereby greatly increased, proportionately to therapidly growing demand.1964-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-9-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-221800Among the oldest American pianos and onewhose career has reflected credit upon the American art industries.
Hallet &Davis Piano Co. Can trace its origins to the year 1835. It was among the oldestof the historic Boston piano companies. Many world-famous pianistshave chosen a Hallet & Davis Piano as their favorite piano. The world-renowncomposer Franz Liszt played on one at the great Paris exposition in 1867. In1911, His Holiness, Pope Pius X selected a Hallet & Davis Piano Co.
Piano forthe Vatican, and awarded the Hallet & Davis Piano Co. A gold medal inrecognition of the beautiful qualities of the instrument.
In November 1925,the Hallet & Davis Piano Co. Was acquired bythe Premier Grand Corporation of New York, which continued the manufactureof the famous grand piano which so long came from Boston. Building a pianois a demanding and precise art. It is a task based on knowledge andexperience, and on the devotion of the builders to an unswerving ideal -never to compromise quality.This company has continued to expandand today it is everywhere regarded as the high grade product of one ofAmerica's most ambitious piano industries Hallet & Davis Piano Co. Pianos andplayer-pianos contain all modern improvements and are used by many eminentpianists and have won the endorsement of almost countless critics andexperts.
Hallet & Davis Piano Co. Pianos are made in grand and upright styles, thegrand pianos having been chosen by many artists for their public performances.Whatever the style and form, these pianos are strictly high gradeinstruments. Hallet & Davis Piano company ceased production as a partof Aeolian Piano Corporation in 1982 and 1985.1901-850000 19902-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-2-510500After 1960:1960-3-4-3-4-4-3-4-4-3-4-4-3-4-4-3-4-438000The Hammond piano, and player-pianosmanufactured by the Straube Piano Company, are instruments of high quality:they please the most discriminating musical taste. The Straube Piano Companyrecognizes the fact that pianos and player-pianos can be no better than thematerial and workmanship which go into them, and has built up its reputationon a solid foundation of satisfied customers. The Hammond slogan: 'Built bythose who know pianos.' Those who know,' is a literal statement of fact.Countless satisfied owners are the result of years of dependablemanufacturing.Manufactured by the Hamilton Piano Co.,Chicago, Ill. The Hamilton Piano Co.'
S extensive factories are located atChicago I eights, Ill. The products of the factories are very large and forman important part of the output controlled by the Baldwin Piano Co. Hamiltonpianos, comprising upright, grand and reproducing pianos. (The HamiltonManualo is a player-piano of extraordinary merit. It combines the qualitiesof the Hamilton pianos with a scientifically constructed player mechanism.It is absolutely sure to give lasting satisfaction. Refer to the BaldwinPiano Co. And Hamilton Piano Co.1900-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-366819Instruments of beautiful tone and reliableconstruction which are from the factory of theStory & ClarkPiano Co.Made by Hardman.
Peck & Co., one of thedistinguished American piano industries, with a world wide reputation forthe utmost reliability. Hardman pianos are note for their technicalqualities, for their purity, delicacy, the artistic beauty of their cases,and for their remarkable durability. The Period designs are handsome andaccurate. They have been made for more than eighty-three years. The Hardmanfive foot grand is the most popular of the Hardman pianos because of itsconvenient size and reasonable price. The Hardman has been the officialpiano of the Metropolitan Opera Company in New York for the past fourteenyears and a letter from the management to the makers of the piano statesthat the eighteen Hardman pianos in constant use in the opera house arenoted for their fine quality, fullness and great durability give them highsatisfaction in spite of the fact that they are subjected to extremely heavyusage, due to the almost ceaseless rehearsals that are conducted here.' .1900-89300 19905-1-1-1-152200Manufactured in the Harrington Department ofHardman, Peck & Co., New York.
A moderately priced instrument of superiorqualities. Its beautiful tone is satisfying to the critical musician: itssympathetic touch fairly invites the fingers by its delightfulresponsiveness. And these vital qualities are perpetuated by a durabilitywhich results from the use of the best material manipulated by expertworkmanship. Special attention has been given to Harrington case designs.The wide variety of styles and the several different woods employed in theHarrington pianos renders it a simple matter to satisfy any taste and tochoose a piano in harmony with any proposed environment. The HarringtonMidget, with the same qualities as are in the larger pianos, has a marveloustone for so small a piano.1900-930000 19905-1-1-1-1-1-1-167125A remarkably effective automatic piano whichis a favorite for places of entertainment. Manufactured by theNelson-Wiggen Piano Co., of Chicago.The name of handsome and dependable uprights,grand, and player pianos manufactured by the Hartford Piano Co., of Chicago.The Hartfords are medium priced instruments in which there is large valuefor moderate investment. Perfectly reliable and safe instruments to buy andthe guaranteed products of an industry of the utmost reliability.Reliable pianos and player-pianos of greatattractiveness are manufactured by the Harvard Piano Co.
Theyare recognized for being among the most popular and salable instruments onthe market. They possess distinct individuality and musical merit and are inevery respect thoroughly well made and strictly reliable instruments. TheHarvard is owned exclusively by the John Church Co. Of Cincinnati, Ohio.One of America's oldest and most famouspianos, established in 1849, thus being one of the pioneers' pianoindustries of reliability and distinction. It is a well-known fact thatpianos originally built by this house are still in good condition musically.They make a full line, including player pianos and grands and also installthe renowned Welte-Mignon, under Welte-Mignon patents in both uprights andgrands. Hazelton grands are famous throughout large clienteles of musicalcritics.1900-2-2-2-2-4-2-4-2-4-511000George Henkelman, Jr., president of theHenkelman Piano Mfg.
Co., of New York, organized the company in June 1922,to make popular pianos and player pianos. Factory, 7097 East 140th St. The Henkelnian instruments are of the kind music lover's buy, becausethey are handsome in design, beautifully finished and of the sweet qualityof tone most admired. Henkelman being himself an expert piano maker,understands the demand and supplies it. Henkelman pianos are durable inevery respect and they have made good progress, with trade and public.Pianos bearing this name are from the factoryof Hardman, Peck & Company which guarantees their reliability.
The name is aregistered trademark belonging to Hardman. These instruments arealso made in upright Reproducing pianos, using the Welte-Mignon actions.The C. Heppe & Son is the leading pianomade by the Heppe Piano Co. The pianos made under the direction of the HeppePiano Co. Are produced by two factories in uptown Philadelphia. The HeppePiano Co.' S product differs from all other pianos because that they havethree sounding boards instead of one, an invention which was patented in1902 in the United States and foreign countries.The Herbert piano contains the latest andmost modern improvements, as well as a number of special features ofsuperior merit, enabling the performer to play the music of the masters withease and effect.
All Herbert pianos are fully warranted and are thoroughlyreliable and safe pianos to buy.Made by Kimball, Chicago,Illinois - French Lick, Indiana.This popularly known piano and also player-pianos are manufactured in Chicago, are thoroughly reliable and bear theguaranty of the manufacturer. Charter for the manufacture controlled byW. Kimball.1904-965000 19905-1-1-504000A good piano of moderate price, made bySmith, Barnes & Strohber Co., in their large factory at NorthMilwaukee, WI. The Hoffmann piano has been on the market for many years andhas proved to be of durable construction and in every way reliable. The toneis of the quality that attracts a great many people and the case designs areat once beautiful and original in decorative details. The manufacturers areamong the largest in the American piano industry, with factories in Chicagoand Milwaukee, and the house is of unquestioned financial standing.Pianos and player pianos were made in theirmodern and completely equipped factory at East Rochester, N.Y.
Theseinstruments had an excellent reputation for their quality of tone anddurability. Their players' mechanisms were installed with great accuracy andoperate with an ease which had been warmly praised.This name is that of high grade pianos andplayer pianos made by the Holland Piano Mfg. Co., of Minneapolis.
Minn., andMenomonie, Wis. Holland pianos and player-pianos are admirably refined andmusical: their case designs are handsome, and the material and constructionare durable and reliable. These instruments may be recommended. That theyare instruments of the kind that win prompt approval is seen in the factthat they are today in demand with a class of piano buyers who have theability to discriminate and who would not entertain the thought of any otherthan representative instruments.
The Holland factory is under the managementof Mr. Sleeper, a well-known expert.Pianos and player-pianos of dependableconstruction and attractive musical qualities bearing this famous name irethe products of Strich & Zeidler of New York.A well-established piano, made by C. C.Hornung Inc. These pianos were first made in San Francisco in 1872. And havealways been sold as a high grade instrument.
Homung uses nothing but thebest of materials, actions and keys. He obtained highest award and goldmedal at Midwinter fair in 1894.Germany1900-8800 1932-40800 1923-44630 1925-44900 1930-45100Korea1976-00840 1979-32740Pianos bearing this name are the product ofBaldwin, The Howard Piano Co.
Of Cincinnati. The 'Howard' is awell-made instrument of absolute reliability and durability, backed by oneof the strongest and greatest houses in the trade.
The Howard player-pianosare distinguished by mechanical thoroughness, together with the applicationof scientific principles. The Howard school piano is a universal favoritewith public schools and the musically informed. The Howard small grand pianois an instrument very highly regarded by music lovers The Howard coinoperated piano is strict to give satisfaction and is a universal favorite.1900-9000 19935-2-1-2-1-3-1-4-2-4-106212Pianos and player pianos, also electricallyand manually operated. Manufactured by the Huntington Piano Company at itsfactory in Shelton, Conn.
The Huntington Piano Co., incorporated in 1894, isa substantial industry, the product of which holds a good place with thepiano buying public. The Huntington pianos and player pianos are of thedurable kind that withstand the wear of years and present a beautifulappearance, their case designs being graceful and their construction goodthroughout. The name of Huntington is one in which the piano merchants findan influence that creates business, and their customers realize full valuefor their investment in the instrument of music.1978-31960 19979-500000.