» Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2. The rest of HK-47 parts are available in shops. Not sure, but i think you have to buy one or two of the parts.Not really sure, working on KOTOR I. In order to get all the parts for the hilarious assassin droid, HK-47, you will have to play through the game. Continue through the game until you reach an area in the storyline where you fight the silver droids, HK-50. After every time that you fight a group of them, you should get a part for HK-47. There are 4 parts.
On the planet Telos, before you kill the exchange boss, you can find a guard who refuses to allow you entry. You can then kill him, which grants you Dark Side points. Then you can advance to the next area. If you backtrack, the guard will have returned, and you can repeat the process.
This is an easy way to build up Dark Side points and EXP, if desired.Submitted by: IGN Staff Infinite Experience Here's a way to score infinite experience points. Head to Dantooine and enter the Kinrath Nest. Defeat Kinrath and its hatchlings, but don't advance to find Master Vrook.
Instead, press start and switch characters, and then begin to walk back towards the entrance. When you do this, hatchlings will materialize and attack. Kill them, and then repeat the process over and over again for infinite experience.Permanent Effects From Cheating Following the duplicating lightsabers trick, if you do that trick a number of times on the same lightsaber, youu'll see that the base maximum attack power of the weapon increases incrementally with each duplication. Of course it has to stay on the person to work and it works for all Jedi in your party including you.Datapad Recycling Are you tired of carrying around OLD and UNNEEDED Datapads?
Simply go to a Workbench, and break them down to get 1 Component(s). You don't get a lot of Components, but it is a way to get rid of unwanted Datapads.
Only breakdown Datapads from missions that you have completed, or even better, Datapads from Peragus. Sony sdm hs95 drivers for mac. Peragus Datapads are just one example. Another example is after you goto Nar Shadda, Dantooine, Telos (the first time), Dxun/Onderon, and Korriban.
Once you goto Telos/Citadel Station for the Second time, you can use the Workbench at the 'merchant area' in the Entertainment Module, to get rid of any unwanted/unneeded Datapads.Handmaiden Handiness After you have sparred with Handmaiden, she will be wearing only underwear. When you talk her into putting something on, she uses her mother's robes. Whenever, you leave the Ebon hawk with her, Take the robes off and leave her without clothes. Return to the Ebon Hawk and talk her into wearing the robes again. When you leave the Hawk one more time, remove the robes again.
You will see that there are two in your inventory list instead of one. You can do this as many times as you want. They can sell for 1800 credits each and break down for 200 parts when creating other items.